Branding 401: The Value of the Brand

Uncategorized May 21, 2019

 Value is everything.  What you value, you will protect; honor; and serve with excellence.  To value something or someone is to regard something as worthy, and useful.  The synonyms of value is: Worth; Advantage; Service; Help; Importance; Significance, and Merit.  There are more synonyms found; however these are my favorite.  As we discuss Brand, and you being your brand, I want you to pause, and assess how much you value your brand.  Often times we want others to value, what we fail to value.  If I can be honest, you will never have someone value what you refuse to honor, appreciate, and deem worthy. Now slow your roll, dont get super deep on me, and say to yourself, My brand isnt worthy.  Only GOD is worthy of all Praise.”  You right, only GOD is worthy of such praise; however Im painting the picture.  (In my voice)

What I want you to understand is that you must value who you are, and what you are called to do.  People will respond to you, based on how you represent yourself.  Remember you are your brand.  Therefore; you should value how you present yourself to others, because ultimately you are representing GOD.  When you present your brand to others, always remember you are presenting them on behalf of the GOD you serve, and excellence should be your focus.  Its time for you to rise up and value who you are, and what you carry.  When people see you, what message are you portraying regarding how you see yourself, and your vision.  Value is connected to passion.  Whatever you are passionate about is reflected in your presentation.  

Value is connected to presentation. Your brand should have a presentation that speaks of who you are before people physically meet you, or ever hear of you.  Who are you, and what are you displaying?  When you are branding, its very important that you demonstrate your self worth, and show the world how much you value the GOD in you, and what HE has entrusted you to do.  Many people will believe in you, once you have shown you believe in yourself. Dont be lazy, dont be a procrastinator; dont start projects, but never finish; dont be tacky, dont be unprofessional.  Clean up your act, grow, and develop into a person who is honored to be used by GOD.  Being used by GOD doesnt mean having a mic in your hand, being used by GOD is presenting yourself with excellence, in whatever sphere of influence you represent.  You are the brand regardless if you have followers; money; a website, or a business.  You must see yourself as the brand, and practice branding until GOD provides you with the next set of instructions.  If you are already in business, or have a vision, organization, book, website or blog, you should always present with value, worth, and excellence.  

The value of your brand will reflect in your physical and virtual presentation.  Ready, Set, lets Brand.  



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